Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Information in the menus below was updated in June 2022. If you have information to share with others in your country, please contact your country’s hosts: Marie Gallé-Tessonneau (marie.galle-tessonneau@hotmail.fr) or Laelia Benoit (laelia.benoit@gmail.com).
Not for profit
Dr. Laelia Benoit, MD, PhD., Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Yale University, USA ; Inserm, France.
Pr. Jean Marc Baleyte, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Head of department, UPEC, Créteil.
Dr. Hélène Denis, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, CHU de Montpellier.
Dr. Anne Franceschini, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris.
Nicolas Hespel, Directeur du Centre Hospitalier de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Fondation G. Heuyer, Paris.
Odile Mandagaran, President of Association Phobie Scolaire.
Dr. Marie Gallé Tessonneau, Psychologist, Psychology Laboratory of Univesity of Bordeaux; Psychologue spécialiste du refus scolaire anxieux, Bordeaux.
Dr. Margarita Garcia-Amador – Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Cabinet Pluridiscipliniare, Toulouse.
Dr Anne Li, Pediatrician, expert in somatic symptoms and chronic pain in anxious school refusal, Paris.
Pr. Isabelle Queval, Philosopher and academic at INSHEA, Titulaire de la Chaire Unesco Handicap Education et Numérique
Pr. Jean-Philippe Raynaud, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Head of Department, Service Universitaire de Psychiatrie de l'Enfant et de l'Adolescent (SUPEA), CHU de Toulouse.
Delphine Rideau, Directrice de la Maison des Adolescents de Strasbourg, Strasbourg.
The School Phobia Association is an association of parents of children who display or have displayed school refusal. The association aims to change the understanding, recognition, and care of these children in need. The association’s projects are: Support for Families, Help with Exchanges with School Teams, Research and Reflection with Health Professionals.
Hospital unit specialized in school refusal. MPEA Peyre Plantade CHU Montpellier France, Dr Hélène DENIS.
The French Association of Psychologists, National Education.
“Etre Prof”, French Network Resources for teachers.
The Nantes Center for Educational Research (CREN EA2661) is the University of Nantes research laboratory in education. CREN conducts research in two areas: (1) Education Policies and Training Facilities; and (2) Education, Teaching, and Learning Processes. One of CREN's research areas is on the issue of early school leaving, under the direction of Pierre-Yves Bernard, more particularly its territorial variations, the subjective experience of early school leaving by young people, and the policies implemented to combat it.
Research Team “Vulnerabilities, Inequality, life Path” of the Emile Durkeim Center, Department of Sociology, University of Bordeaux. The research team is working on social policies related to school and professional dropout, training, social integration, job insecurity and disability. The team develops public policy analysis work in the field of the training-employment relationship, youth policies and disability. The new social risks linked to school dropout and difficulties of professional integration are among the objects investigated at different levels of scale (national, regional, and individualization of trajectories, etc.). Joël Zaffran is co-director of the team. Website of the research center.
The National Assessment Board of the School System (CNESCO, ‘Conseil National d’Evaluation du Système Scolaire’) is an institution charged with independent evaluation. It is composed of scientists from various disciplines, parliamentarians, as well as members of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. CNESCO conducts a scientific and participatory evaluation of the school system to enlighten the various actors in the school and the general public.
The Academic Cell for Research and Development in Innovation and Experimentation (CARDIE) is responsible for supporting institutions and/or schools and developing national innovation and experimentation policy.
For profit
2022: "Refus scolaire anxieux : étiologie, clinique et programme d'intervention". SUPEA-SPEAF, contact : abasolo.p@chu-toulouse.fr
2022: Café Info Pro "Les phobies scolaires_les principes de prise en charge, dispositifs et aménagement scolaires", 3 mars 2022, Maison des Adolescents de Strasbourg (contact : D. Rideau)
2016 - 2022 : Dispositif Parenthèse pour la prévention de l'éviction scolaire, Toulouse (contact : JP Raynaud)
Publication of the book “Comprendre et soigner le refus scolaire anxieux; Psychothérapie de la phobie scolaire”, Dunod, Les ateliers du Praticien. (“Understanding and treating school refusal; psychotherapy of school phobia”)
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