A study of truancy among ethnic minority groups. The authors note that effective policy to reduce truancy needs understanding of the factors affecting truancy.
A study of truancy among ethnic minority groups. The authors note that effective policy to reduce truancy needs understanding of the factors affecting truancy.
A US team reviewed characteristics of youths who experience truancy; they suggest policies & practices contribute to the school-to-prison-pipeline for black & Latinx youths.
Youths with a mental disorder, neurodevelopmental disorder, or self-harm more likely to be absent or excluded.
'American Educational Research Association' and 'Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development' offer a free webinar on November 29th, about schooling during a pandemic.
An article by English & Swedish scholars exmaines learning loss due to school closures during the pandemic.
A US team studied school engagement (from attendance to preparation for class) for low-income students, with implications for students, practitioners, & policymakers.
A new essay describes recessive truancy (students appear to be 'online' but not actively participating in class) as a factor affecting online teaching and learning.
The 2nd Nordic Conference on School Absenteeism will be held online on Wednesday 10th November 2021. Presentations are in English.
A report by Donald Braman and co-authors describes efforts to encourage families to engage with community-based organizations to increase school attendance.
Attendance Works provides examples of 'foundational supports', the building blocks schools use to promote school attendance.