New insights into school attendance from Australia

New insights into school attendance from Australia

In 2023, the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) investigated student attendance in Australian schools at the request of Education Ministers. Outcomes of this activity include: a research report and two rapid literature reviews examining factors pertaining to school attendance and evidence-based supports. The rapid literature reviews were written by INSA members A/Prof Glenn Melvin, A/Prof Lisa McKay-Brown, A/Prof David Heyne and Dr. Lauren Cameron. We are pleased to share these resources with the INSA community.

Barriers to school attendance and reasons for student absence This rapid literature review explores a range of factors that contribute to school absence, including personal, societal, educational and policy-related influences. It also provides insight into how these variables might impact school attendance for students from priority equity groups.

Interventions to promote school attendance and address student absence This rapid literature review is the result of a systematic review of 332 peer-reviewed journal articles that describe studies exploring approaches, programs and interventions to support school attendance and address student absence. The interventions are presented in 3 tiers, in line with the multi-tiered system of supports framework
