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Information in the menus below was updated in August 2021. To contribute information that may be of interest to others in your country, please contact your country’s host: Volker Reissner ( 

Not for profit

  • Outpatient clinic for children and adolescents with school-avoiding behavior, LVR-Klinikum Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen at the LVR-Clinic
  • Inpatient and outpatient treatment for youth with school absenteeism and mental disorders,  University Hospital Cologne.
  • The Interdisciplinary Research Group on School Absenteeism and Dropout was founded by leading educational scientists specialised in special needs education in Germany. The group includes scientists and experts from educational sciences, youth services, psychiatry, psychology, and counselling. The aims of the research group are to: (1) increase knowledge with regard to diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of school absenteeism; (2) develop educational quality standards for practical use; and (3) exchange knowledge and foster a multiprofessional perspective on school absenteeism/dropout. The research group is organised and chaired by Prof. Dr. Gisela C. Schulze, University of Oldenburg ( and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Ricking, University of Oldenburg ( The annual meeting of the group is held in Eisenach, Germany.
  • 2021 – ongoing: “Bildung integriert (Präventionsketten)” is the title of the program which seeks to coordinate current activities to prevent school absenteeism and to initiate several related projects in the city of Düsseldorf, Germany. Defining guidelines on handling school absenteeism, methodical assessment of absences or the initiation of school attendance teams represent some of the major aims of the program. Contact: Ina Holschbach & Milena Pape.
  • 2021 – ongoing: Prevention, identification and intervention of school absenteeism are key elements for tackling school absenteeism. The promotion of school attendance by establishing a team of trained counsellors (teachers, social workers etc.) on location is the main goal of the project “On the frontline”. The project is currently developed by an international consortium: David Heyne (Leiden University, NL), Trude Havik (Laeringsmilijosenteret, UiS, N) Jo Mange Ingul Norwegian university of science and technology, N) and Volker Reissner (University of Duisburg-Essen, LVR-Clinic Düsseldorf). In Germany “On the frontline” will be deployed in cooperation with the administration of the city of Düsseldorf. Contact for Germany: Volker Reissner.
  • 2019 – 2022: The project "Every school day counts“ is implemented in three 'less favoured urban districts' of the city of Hamburg, Germany. It aims to increase the students´ participation at school, reducing school absenteeism, and preventing school dropout. Depending on needs, each school will be supported in developing an individual programme integrating sustainable interventions such as educating members of school staff and/or other measures. This will promote the fit between school schemes and the students´ needs in order to improve their school engagement and educational attainment. The innovative project is scientifically supervised by Prof. Dr. Heinrich Ricking. The project is financed and implemented by the Joachim Herz foundation, the Alfred Toepfer foundation F.V.S., the Hamburg School Authorities, and the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg. Contact Prof. Dr. Heinrich Ricking.
  • 2019 - 2020: The EU-funded study ‘Back To School’ (“Terug naar school – Zurück zur Schule”) is a study assessing the prevalence of school absenteeism in children and adolescents receiving treatment for mental disorders. Currently the data is being analysed. The study is conducted by a Euregio Rhein-Waal consortium of four mental health providers for children and adolescents: Karakter (Child- and Adolescent psychiatry of the University of Nijmegen, Netherlands), GGnet (Mental health service provider in Nijmegen, Netherlands), LVR-Clinic Viersen (Department for child- and adolescent psychiatry, Germany), and LVR-Clinic / University Clinic Essen (Department for child- and adolescent psychiatry, Germany).
  • 2018 - 2019: Evaluation of the Inventory of School Attendance Problems (ISAP). This 48-item questionnaire assesses a broad spectrum of school attendance problems. The ISAP is currently available in German, but it is currently being translated into Swedish and Finnish. Contact Martin Knollmann at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, LVR-Klinikum Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen at the LVR-Clinic, Essen.
  • 2019 February: The German version of the School Non-Attendance Checklist (SNACK) has been prepared. This checklist supports screening for types of absenteeism, including school refusal, truancy, school withdrawal, and school exclusion. Contact Martin Knollmann or Volker Reissner at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, LVR-Klinikum Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen at the LVR-Clinic, Essen.
  • 2018 September: ‘School Refusal From an International Perspective’, an international symposium on school absenteeism. Organized by the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, LVR-Klinikum Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen at the LVR-Clinic, Essen. Contact: Volker Reissner (
  • 2018 June: ‘Prevent school absenteeism! Strategies and concepts’ (Schulabsentismus verhindern! Strategien und Konzepte). An expert conference on school absenteeism organized by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V., Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V., Deutsches Rotes Kreuz and PARITÄTISCHEM Gesamtverband.
  • 2016: ‘School Absenteeism as a Challenge in Europe: Approaches and Perspectives’ (Schulabsentismus als europaweite Herausforderung: Herangehensweisen und Perspektiven‘). An expert conference on school absenteeism organized by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Evangelische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V., Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit e.V., Deutsches Rotes Kreuz and PARITÄTISCHEM Gesamtverband.
  • 2015: Development and evaluation of a modular treatment for children and adolescents with problematic school absenteeism. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, LVR-Klinikum Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen at the LVR-Clinic, Essen. Contact: Volker Reissner (
  • Schule Zählt e.V. Registered society for the prevention of school absenteeism and school dropout. Members come from educational practice, science from the therapeutic field and educational institutions. First chairman: Prof. Dr. Manfred Wittrock, second chairman: Apl. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Ricking. 
  • Information on school absenteeism as offered by different German states ‘Bundesländer’. Because the 16 German states are each responsible for education, information on school absenteeism and guidelines about how to handle this problem may vary. Please find some examples below:
  • In Germany different cities and districts may have different guidelines for the handling of problematic school absenteeism. Please find different examples below. If your city/district is interested in being included in this list please contact Volker Reissner:
  • The German Youth Institute ('Deutsches Jugendinstitut, DJI'). The web page of the DJI includes information on school absenteeism and related topics.
  • German-language literature:
    • 2019: Kreitz-Sandberg, S., & Lesch, V. (2019). Die Entwicklung der sozialwissenschaftlichen Diskussion über Schulabsentismus in Japan: Neue Trends oder ein altes Phänomen. In: Japan: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (Eds. D. Chiavacci & I. Wieszorek) iudicium: München, pp. 262-298.
    • 2018: Ricking, H. & Speck, K. (Hrsg.) (2018). Schulabsentismus und Eltern. Berlin: Springer
    • 2017: Ricking, H. & Dunkake, I. (2017). Wenn Schüler die Schule schwänzen oder meiden: Förderziele Anwesenheit und Lernen-wollen. Hohengehren: Schneider
    • 2016: Ricking, H. & Hagen, T. (2016). Schulabsentismus und Schulabbruch. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
    • 2015: Reissner, V., Hebebrand, J., Knollmann, M. (2015): Beratung und Therapie bei schulvermeidendem Verhalten. Multimodale Interventionen für psychisch belastete Schulvermeider – das Essener Manual. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    • 2015: Reissner, V., Jost, D., Krahn, U., Knollmann, M., Weschenfelder, A.-K., Neumann, A., Wasem, J., Hebebrand, J. (2015): The Treatment of School Avoidance in Children and Adolescents With Psychiatric Illness. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 112, 655-662. Deutsch: Therapie von Schulvermeidern mit psychiatrischen Erkrankungen. Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie. Dtsch Arztebl, 112, 655-662.
    • 2012: Ricking, H. & Schulze, G. (Hrsg.) (2012). Schulabbruch – ohne Ticket in die Zukunft? Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt
    • 2010: Knollmann, M., Knoll, S., Reissner, V., Metzelaars, J., & Hebebrand, J. (2010). School avoidance from the point of view of child and adolescent psychiatry: Symptomatology, development, course, and treatment. Deutsches Aerzteblatt International, 107, 43–49.