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Victoria Franklin

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Ellie Costello

Ellie Costello, a former media producer, has two children with complex needs. As a Therapeutic Parent, she uses neuroscience and child development in her advocacy and campaigning. As Executive Director of Square Peg, Ellie works nationally to drive policy change for children facing school attendance barriers and collaborates with media outlets to highlight systemic struggles. Co-author of “Square Pegs: compassion, inclusion and fitting in,” Ellie is also a Parliamentary Vice Co-Chair for the Council for Disabled Children’s Special Education Consortium.

The menus below were updated in February 2022. If you have information to share with others in your country, please contact your country’s host: Victoria Franklin (victoriafranklin4@virginmedia.com).  


Not for profit:
  • There are two professional membership groups in England (AEWM and NASWE, described below) that represent the views of those working in the area of school attendance. These two groups are taking the initiative for developing links with INSA. This is not an exclusive list of organisations involved in improving school attendance, however the two professional organisations have agreed to co-ordinate information about a broader range of representation and are considering developing a local steering group.
  • The National Association for Support Workers in Education (NASWE) was founded in 1884. It is the voice of all those working to promote school attendance and social inclusion in education. NASWE is the only professional association representing the views of both practitioners and managers. It works with its members, who may be employed in a professional or a voluntary capacity, to support the education, attendance, and welfare of children and young people within the education system. This includes those employed by local authorities, schools, academies, voluntary sector organisations and the private sector. NASWE is continually seeking to broaden, strengthen and diversify its membership.
  • Why Join NASWE?
    • Keep up to date with Government initiatives; NASWE National Council representatives meet directly with the Department for Education several times a year. Get your voice heard; a forum where you can share your views, concerns and ideas.
    • Access user-friendly practice documents and research information.
    • An annual conference with keynote speakers and an opportunity to meet colleagues from different settings.
    • Confidence in a professional organisation that works to promote and advance the interests of its members.
Members of NASWE become part of an association and group of professionals committed to:
    • the promotion of educational inclusion and equality for all children and young people;
    • the establishment of National Occupational Standards in practice, recruitment and training;
    • professional development at all levels;
    • responding to Government initiatives and proposals on all matters relating to school age children; we ask for your views and make sure that government receives them, sharing members’ and National Council responses;
    • ensuring inclusion and equality in our own organisation and structure.
The President of NASWE, Victoria Franklin, can be contacted via: victoriafranklin4@virginmedia.com
  • The Association for Education Welfare Management (AEWM). Since its formation in 1917 the AEWM has been providing professional support for managers in Education Social Work (ESW), the Education Welfare Service (EWS), and safeguarding in education. It helps deliver effective and competent services – accessible to children, families and schools – by maintaining a network of professionals and providing a forum for members to share, support, and consult. The objectives are:
    • to promote and safeguard the rights of children and young persons and to establish and foster co-operation with other organisations working in the interests of children and young persons;
    • to advance the professional interests of its members;
    • to promote and improve the ethos of social inclusion;
    • to encourage the development and training of all staff in education welfare and social inclusion;
    • to disseminate information to the membership on developments in education welfare and social inclusion.
AEWM has links with Government and other political and professional bodies including the Department for Education, Teacher Associations and Unions, and its sister organisation NASWE (see below). Members receive information on current issues and potential changes affecting their work and are given opportunities to comment on consultation documents. They are also offered training and supporting literature. Regional groups meet quarterly to provide a forum for debate, exchange of views, and a vehicle for the provision and discussion of information. Please contact the National Executive Committee member and former president of the AEWM, Ian Norman-Bruce: ian@normanbruce.com


  • Wales has historically, since 1870, always had a higher rate of non-attendance than other parts of the UK, namely England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Following the two-year Review into Behaviour & Attendance in Wales (NBAR) between 2006-2008, rates of attendance in the vast majority of schools have improved considerably. After 1999, the Welsh Government and Welsh Assembly assumed responsibility for managing education in Wales including school attendance. Schools in Wales are now grouped into four colour-coded groups depending upon their overall performance. Green schools are high-achieving schools with blue and yellow schools rated as category 2 or category 3 respectively. The fourth category, red schools, are those which are under-performing and tend to have the lowest rates of attendance, more behavioural issues and the lowest standards of academic performance. Although Wales has 21 local authorities, oversight and responsibility for managing and improving rates of attendance is the responsibility of the four regional consortia (North & Mid Wales, South-West Wales, Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan & South East Wales). Schools are also inspected by Estyn (the Welsh-equivalent of Ofsted) who scrutinise their rates of attendance most carefully. However, the national targets given for schools to meet in Wales are around 2% lower than for those in England and arguably, penalties for failing to meet these targets are considered less punitive as well.

March DfE Attendance Webinars

03 March 2022 (16:00-16:45)

Wheelers Lane Technology College, an LA maintained secondary in Birmingham.

Sign up here: https://lnkd.in/es3ha6An

09 March 2022 (16:00-16:45)

Studio West, an 11-19 studio school in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Sign up here :https://lnkd.in/eUbSpMgV

17 March 2022 (16:00-16:45)

St Giles School, a community special school in Nottinghamshire.

Sign up here:https://lnkd.in/etpmSWR7

23 March 2022 (16:00-16:45)

Brook House Primary School, a primary free school part of the Lion Academies Trust in Haringey.

Sign up here:https://lnkd.in/ebpF-j9F

31 March 2022 (16:00-16:45)

Abbey School, an academy special school part of the Nexus Multi Academy Trust in Rotherham.

Sign up here https://lnkd.in/e8H7eybK

  • Regular Meetings with professional association members and the Department for Education Attendance Policy team.
  • Ongoing Consultation responses to proposed key statutory changes in relation to school attendance in England. 
  • NASWE have a member of the national council appointed as a Department for Education Attendance Advisor.
  • NASWE are excited to be working collaboratively to produce an article for publication in the special issue of Orbis Scholae - a joint piece of work with INSA.
  • NASWE are supporting the research project led by Susanne Kreitz -Sandberg and Malin Gren Landell at the University of Stockholm -initially discussing the scope of the research in relation to England context and providing links to schools and Local Authorities in England. 


  • 2021 November: Appointment by Government of Attendance Advisers across Local Authorities in England.
  • 2021 Summer: 'The school attendance and home learning experiences study' - The COVID-19 pandemic brought many disruptions to children’s education, including the education of children with intellectual (learning) disability and/or autism. We have launched an important new study to understand the educational experiences of children with an intellectual disability and/or autism about a year after the COVID-19 pandemic started in the UK. An online survey will be live over the summer of 2021. We are collecting data from approximately 1,500 parents of 5 to 15 year-old children across all 4 UK countries. The study is looking at school attendance and home learning experiences of children with intellectual disability and/or autism. The study will provide evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on school attendance and home education for children with an intellectual disability and or autism. If you are a parent interested in the study, please read ‘Information for Participants’. To find out more about the research project and team members, click here
  • 2021 July: Supporting Families: school attendance and whole family working webinar.



  • 2019 September 27: Attendance Workshop Westminster Insight. 
  • 2019 July 5: NASWE National Council Meeting Birmingham. 
  • 2019 ongoing: NASWE and AEWM are involved with a Government working party looking at improving outcomes for Children in Need of Care and Protection.
  • 2019 ongoing: NASWE and AEWM are in consultation with Government about Children who are not in education, home education regulation and unregistered schools.
  • 2019, May 22: AEWM Annual General Meeting and Training Day. ‘Children Missing Out - Barriers to Education and Attendance’, including input from DfE and Ofsted. Arden Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham.


  • 2018, December 14: NASWE Annual General Meeting. The Priory Rooms, Birmingham.
  • 2018, October 17: AEWM Conference, ‘Children’s Health and School Attendance’. Arden Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham.
  • 2018, May 23: AEWM Annual General Meeting and Training Day, ‘Networking - Academies - EHE Lord Soley’. The Arden Hotel, Solihul, Birmingham.
  • 2018: NASWE and AEWM consultation group working with Lord Soley regarding Private Members Bill on reforming regulation of Home Education


  • 2017, October 18: AEWM Conference, ‘Children Missing Education’. Arden Hotel, Solihull, Birmingham.
  • 2017, May 23– 24: AEWM Centenary Conference & Training Day.  Arden Hotel, Solihull Birmingham.


  • 2016, April: NASWE Network Event for strategic leads of support agencies working with Children and Young people across England.