Not for profit
- Fundación Educacional Oportunidad (Opportunity Educational Foundation) is a civil society organization that promotes the development and learning of children and adolescents, from early childhood, innovating and working collaboratively with others. Its programs focus on the continuous improvement of pedagogical practices and leadership of teams in public schools in Chile. For more information about the foundation contact.
- Since 2012, “The school attendance program” of the Fundación Oportunidad has provided educational teams and leadership in public schools with tools and strategies to increase class attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism in early education. Currently, 151 schools and 839 kindergartens participate in the program, benefiting 13,785 children in Chile. For more information contact the head of the program Yanira Alee
- Fundación Presente (Presente Foundation): “Cada día cuenta” initiative of Fundación Presente was born in 2014 aiming to increase the involvement of students in their learning and thus reducing the high levels of chronic absenteeism. A team of professionals who are experts in education and educational psychology advise school communities by working directly with all members of the school team. To date, they have advised more than 150 schools and high schools in different regions of the country. For further information about the foundation contact.
- Catedras UNESCO, a project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization aims to advance and improve the development of research, training, and programmes in higher education, through the construction of university networks and the promotion of cooperation between universities through the transfer of knowledge across borders.
- Belén Educa is a non-profit Catholic foundation, dependent on the Archbishopric of Santiago, which was created in 2000 to provide quality education in vulnerable sectors. With a strong focus on promoting school attendance and the use of data to tackle and prevent chronic absenteeism, Belén Educa encourages children to attend every day to classes with a family of superheroes and the motto "When I attend, I learn".
- Fundación Educacional Arauco is a private, non-profit foundation that has supported educational communities in the south-central region of the country since 1989, with a primary focus on public education. Its mission is to contribute to giving greater development opportunities to children and young people through education. For this, it deploys different lines of work, the main one being the development of educational and cultural improvement programs. Their motto is: “We believe in teachers.” Desafío TEP which arose from a public- private alliance between the Arauco Educational Foundation, the Andalién Sur Local Public Education Service (SLEP), and the Center for Advanced Research in Education (CIAE) constitutes a pilot initiative to follow the educational path and reduce school exclusion in 12 of the Andalién Sur SLEP schools. The project design allows for continuous improvement processes before scaling up to the rest of the schools and replicating the experience in other SLEPs in the country.
- Chilean Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) is the governing body of the State in charge of promoting the development of education at all levels, through a democratic humanist education of excellence, open to the world at all levels of education. The mission of the Ministry of Education is to ensure an inclusive high-quality education system that contributes to the integral and permanent formation of people and the development of the country. This is accomplished through the formulation and implementation of different policies, norms, and regulations in different areas. Through a system of registration, analysis, and decision-making for the promotion of school attendance, the reduction of chronic absenteeism is achieved.
Academic institution:
- Centro de Investigación avanzada en Educación (CIAE)(Centre for Advanced Research in Education): Since 2008, The Centre has sought to provide an interdisciplinary and integrating perspective through a fruitful dialogue between researchers from different areas of knowledge. Educators, sociologists, economists, engineers, mathematicians, doctors and psychologists from different faculties and institutes of Chilean universities participate in the Centre’s activities. Its mission is to produce and disseminate knowledge in the field of education and provide scientific support to the discussion and design of public policies in the educational area. Thus, national policies, local educational management and classroom teaching are based on the evidence generated by research. Additionally, it contributes to preparing the new generation of young researchers in the field of education.
Chilean academics and specialists in the field of school attendance:
- Juan Pablo Valenzuela, associate researcher at CIAE and Adjunct Professor of the Department of Economics at the University of Chile. His main research areas are the economics of education, social inequality and school attendance.
- Mahia Saracostti Schwartzman, Social worker and PhD in social welfare. Director of the Catedras UNESCO on children/youth, education and society. Full professor, University of Valparaíso, researcher at the University of La Frontera.
- Fundación Educacional Oportunidad:
For fifteen years, the academics and specialists from the team at Fundación Educacional Oportunidad have worked to improve the quality of education in Chile. Through the implementation and evaluation of educational programs focused on language and school attendance of children in early childhood: