Members are invited to use the MEMBER LOG-IN menu above to log in, click on the red MEMBERS icon, and gain access to member resources (webinars, conference presentations, Discussion Forum, INStAnt!).
Use the BECOME A MEMBER menu above to register for membership. Yearly membership fees are 70 EUR. Membership is valid from January 1st of each year. If you join after 1 October 2020 you will receive membership until 31 December 2021.
INSA is a wholly not-for-profit network. Membership fees and revenue from conferences are used exclusively to support INSA's administrative work. INSA's work is also supported by contributions in kind from those who devote their time to the work of INSA's committees. No people participating in INSA's committees receive salaries or honoraria for their work.
What do members of INSA receive? (1) Access to conference materials, including videos and handouts from presentations; (2) Extra updates via INStAnt!, the three-monthly quick-and-easy update on attendance issues, developments, activities, and resources; (3) Access to the Discussion Forum which provides opportunities for direct exchange of information, ideas, and resources among members with specific interests; (4) INSA's webinar service via which experts from many fields will share their research and practice; (5) Members support the work of an international community committed to promoting school attendance and responding to absenteeism, and they are supported in their own contribution to this work.